COVID has taught us MANY things but for me, it has really highlighted just how much we need to look after our Mental health. Here in NZ, we know that mental health is a branch of wellbeing that deserves more attention. All things begin and end in the mind there is a strong connection between mind and body so we need to start in the mind to get everything going right. What we think determines how we feel.

If you’ve been feeling stressed out, down, anxious, or frustrated lately, here are five things to implement into your everyday life to re-wire your brain so that you can see things differently.

1. Communicate your needs and speak your truth.

A key part of mental health is being able to communicate your needs and speak openly, honestly and vulnerably about how you feel. This is not just to others, but also to yourself. Don’t be afraid to speak up about what’s making you upset to your boss, partner, family member, or friends. You can even write down your thoughts on paper before you say them out loud. We don’t want emotions getting trapped or stored in the body over time.

2. Remove yourself from the constant pressure.

Your mind is innately fairly chilled.  The things that disrupt your peace of mind are all external. The pressure of the modern day world is enough to drive anyone crazy. We have constant stress from work, traffic, bills, and trying to fulfill the needs of everyone around us as well as our own personal health. Disconnecting is not just important, in my opinion but NECESSARY. Take time to be alone each day. If you have kids, wake up 10 minutes earlier than them to make this possible for you. It could be a short drive, quick walk or gazing at nature, meditating in your bedroom, or having a cup of tea without your phone. Airplane mode, no notifications, no music, no podcast in the background. With some silence, you will actually be able to hear yourself think and face your shadow thoughts. Try to pinpoint what is most affecting your mental health and what you can do to improve or shift your current situation.

3. Feel happy for what you have.

A.k.a. -  Having an attitude of gratitude. The most annoying thing to hear, but wow, it does go a long way in achieving better mental health. If you spend time in your head running over and over things that didn’t go your way, unfortunately, your brain will get stronger and make it easier for you to be in that headspace. Take a moment to thank the universe for the many things that are going your way and will go your way in the future. No matter how sad you may be feeling or how unfair you think life has been with you, make yourself find just one reason to be grateful right now. Then, speak it out loud and feel thankful for it. You could say something like, “I’m grateful to have my health during this pandemic,” or “I’m thankful for a beautiful family to come home to every night.” Take a few moments to reflect on the positive portions of your life. I (try) to remember when things look bleak for a moment, that there is always someone in this world who would do anything to be in your place.

4. Do something different in a situation causing you stress.

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results, and they’re right! You might be taking the same actions in a relationship, at work or with your family. If you keep doing something that results in you feeling unhappy, stop doing it and do something different. You might think you have no other choice, but you do—no one decides how you act but you! It’s only you in your ‘circle’, so you have full control. For example, if the dynamic with a toxic person is harming your mental health, don’t think twice to distance yourself from them. It’s 2021, we have to be ruthless when it comes to our mental wellbeing. I always say to my clients, when you shift the way you behave, others will shift the way they react to you. We know that we can’t change people but from this perspective, you do alter the energy around you and by extension, the situations in your life. Changing your course of action is the only way to encourage a new outcome and feel more at ease on the inside. 

5. Connect with your community.

Good relationships are paramount for your mental wellbeing. Surround yourself with supportive people who you can share anything with, without feeling ashamed or unworthy. A strong support group can gift you with greater confidence and motivation, belonging and purpose, it can lower anxiety and depression, help you regulate your emotions, lead to higher self-esteem and empathy, and actually improve your immune system. Also, hang out with people who make you LAUGH! We don’t laugh enough and it does wonders for us. Studies across all mammals show that our well-being depends on our connections with others. 

Your mind creates your reality. Retrain it to be a safe place to be—these actions will change not only your mental health, but shift your future.

Libby Rainger